Cold bath studies

The Cold Bath: A Scientific Approach to Health Benefits
Body fat not only acts as insulation against the cold, but it can also be converted into energy to maintain body temperature. Studies have found that the body burns more calories to maintain heat when subjected to cold. Even white fat, often associated with love handles, can be burned in response to the cold. Lowering the indoor temperature of your home slightly can boost this calorie-burning process.
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Is a cold bath good for your health? Here's what the science says.
While the idea of ​​diving into ice water may seem intimidating, scientific evidence is mounting in favor of the health benefits of cold bathing. An in-depth analysis published in 2020 reviewed more than 400 studies devoted to this promising method and came to a clear conclusion: yes, cold bathing can be beneficial. However, it is essential to note that certain risk factors, such as cardiovascular diseases, must be taken into account, since the practice may present dangers in these cases. That said, when the practice is adapted and followed correctly, cold bathing can provide a multitude of health benefits.
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CNRS study - Feelings of cold bath users
This study looks at the effects of bathing on the physical and psychological health of individuals in the long term. The data was collected from regular bathers, and the results highlight significant benefits associated with swimming. As part of this...
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