Cold bath studies

Optimal Muscle Recovery: How Ice Baths Can Transform Your Well-Being
David, a professional triathlete, favors frozen baths for his recovery. He explains: "Frozen baths have helped me reduce muscle fatigue after long days of training. Switching from hot to cold water stimulates my blood circulation and relaxes my muscles. This has improved my ability to do one workout after another without overexertion, and I feel fitter than ever."
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Cold baths or cold showers - Which should you choose?
According to research, Dr. Dino Premilovac from the University of Tasmania explains that "prolonged exposure to a cold environment causes our bodies to produce more brown fat." He goes on to say that "its effects are more similar to muscle than to classic fat." This transformation results from the body's gradual adaptation, and it cannot be achieved by a simple cold shower at the end of your routine.
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