Study: They control their immune systems thanks to the cold thanks to Wim Hof
The name of Wim Hof has spread widely thanks to his astonishing method which promises iron health through breathing techniques and cold water baths.
But is it true or is it a myth?
What is remarkable is the enthusiasm it arouses, to the point that there are numerous studies and experiments that support it.
This proposal has generated considerable interest in immunology, prompting a re-examination of scientific evidence and highlighting its impact on inflammatory processes. Without a doubt, the "Iceman" has traveled the world teaching his method, and he attracts the attention of great experts who, like him, wish to learn to master the autonomic nervous system.
Who is Wim Hof?
If a method has been created, it is important to know the man behind that method. Wim Hof is a Dutch athlete who felt the call of the ice at the age of 17, when while walking along the canals of Amsterdam he felt an irresistible pull and threw himself into it. water. The experience he had was so intense that he decided to explore the effects of this adventure.
He has set no less than 26 Guinness Records , including running a half-marathon in the Arctic Circle, climbing the summit of Everest in shorts and no shirt, running a marathon in the Namibian desert without eating or drinking , and resist for 2 hours in a container of ice.
He has followers from all over the world, including famous personalities such as tennis player Novak Djokovic, who has met him several times and participated in engaging online discussions.
The benefits of taking cold water baths
The essence of his method lies in the autonomic nervous system (responsible for functions beyond our control, such as heart rate, body temperature, hormone secretion, etc.) and, by extension, the immune system. But what are the benefits of immersing your body in ice water?
It stimulates the production of adrenaline, norepinephrine, cortisol and serotonin. During short-term exposures, such as those carried out here, this hormonal surge is particularly beneficial. This phenomenon is known as hormesis. It considerably strengthens the immune system and the body's ability to defend itself against external attacks. Hyper-oxygenation of the body promotes better oxygenation of tissues. It reduces chronic inflammation. It improves the quality of sleep. It has been proven to increase levels of adiponectin, a hormone released by fat cells that promotes fat burning, thereby contributing to weight loss. It stimulates the production of brown adipose tissue, which is metabolically active and participates in endogenous heat production in response to cold.
What about mental well-being?
It acts as a stress regulator. It strengthens determination and, therefore, self-esteem. It proves effective in cases of depression and anxiety. It increases endorphin levels. It improves concentration. It increases the energy tenfold. Unlike other methods or treatments aimed at improving quality of life, the combination of breathing and exposure to cold water has been proven to provide immediate benefits.
To make cold baths easily at home, order your Icepiration bath here:
Some studies on the method
The scientific community has closely followed this athlete, carrying out several studies. One of the most impressive was carried out by the University Medical Center St. Radboud in the Netherlands in 2013.
As part of this study, 24 people were inoculated with the Escherichia coli bacteria, 12 of whom had completed 10 days of training based on the Wim Hof method. These individuals showed no symptoms, demonstrating their ability to voluntarily control their immune systems, a feat that was previously thought impossible. The results were published in 2014 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA and in the journal Nature , opening new perspectives in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.
In 2011, anthropologist and writer Scott Carney traveled to Poland to meet with Wim Hof and write an article. Although he initially considered Wim Hof to be an imposter, after spending a few days with him, he chose to adopt his method and write a book called " What doesn't kill us." don't kill), a very interesting work to explore the subject in more depth.
The pillars of the Wim Hof method The method is based on three pillars: breathing, cold therapy and concentration. By understanding these aspects well, you will be able to enjoy all the benefits we have listed.
How to practice the Wim Hof Method?
To begin, it is essential to understand how the proposed breathing cycles work:
1) Get into a comfortable position, lying or sitting.
2) Inhale, filling your lungs completely, hold your breath for a few seconds, then exhale. Repeat this sequence 15 times.
3) Next, breathe as if you were blowing up a balloon, sending the air up to your abdomen and exhaling with the same intensity. Repeat this step consistently for 30 cycles.
You may feel dizzy or tingling in your extremities, this is completely normal. By hyperventilating, you promote the release of oxygen from your blood to your tissues.
4) After completing this cycle, inhale again, filling your lungs without straining, then exhale all the air.
5) Hold your breath for as long as possible (between 60 and 90 seconds) until you are no longer able to hold your breath.
6) When you can't hold it any longer, inhale again and hold your breath for 15 seconds, then exhale.
It is recommended to start with one cycle, although you can repeat it up to 3 times to maximize all its benefits. Also include cold showers in your routine. Start by gradually cooling the shower for a few seconds, you will see how your tolerance will improve little by little, and you will appreciate the invigorating effect of this experience!